Tom and Jerry Light code

tom and jerry light code

            Hut Light Effect            /* Internal CSS */        body {            margin: 0;            display: flex;            justify-content: center;            align-items: center;            height: 100vh;            background: #333;        }        .hut {            position: relative;            width: 300px;            height: 200px;            background: #7c4d3e; /* Hut exterior color */            border-radius: 10px;            box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);        }        .hut::before {            content: '';            position: absolute;            top: -100px; /* Position the triangle on top */            left: 0;            width: 0;            height: 0;            border-left: 150px solid transparent;            border-right: 150px solid transparent;            border-bottom: 100px solid #7c4d3e; /* Same color as the hut */        }        .door {            position: absolute;            bottom: 10px;            left: 50%;            transform: translateX(-50%);            width: 80px;            height: 100px;            background: black;            border-radius: 5px;            transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out;        }        .hole {            position: absolute;            top: -80px;            left: 50%;            transform: translateX(-50%);            width: 70px;            height: 70px;            background: black;            border-radius: 80%;            transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out;            z-index: 10;        }        .button {            position: absolute;            bottom: 0%;            transform: translateY(-50%);            padding: 10px 20px;            background: #555;            color: #fff;            border-radius: 5px;            cursor: pointer;            z-index: 20;            transition: background 0.3s ease;        }        .button:hover {            background: #777;        }        .button:hover ~ .hut .door,        .button:hover ~ .hut .hole {            background: rgb(234, 234, 13);        }        .jerry,        .tom {            display: none;        }        .button:hover ~ .hut .door .jerry,        .button:hover ~ .hut .hole .tom {            display: block;        }        .tom {            margin-top: 0px;            margin-left: 3px;            height: 70px;            width: 70px;            border-radius: 80%;        }        .jerry {            height: 80px;            width: 80px;        }        
Turn On Light

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上一篇 2025年3月7日 12:43:53
下一篇 2025年2月26日 13:44:59

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