使用html css和js的动画进行冒泡排序

使用html css和js的动画进行冒泡排序

代码 :

            Bubble Sort Animation            body {            display: flex;            flex-direction: column;            justify-content: center;            align-items: center;            background-color: #1c1c1c;            color: white;            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;            height: 100vh;            margin: 0;        }        h1 {            margin-bottom: 100px;        }        .container {            display: flex;            justify-content: center;            align-items: center;            gap: 20px;        }        .ball {            width: 70px;            height: 70px;            background-color: black;            border-radius: 50%;            display: flex;            justify-content: center;            align-items: center;            color: white;            font-size: 18px;            transition: transform 1.5s ease, box-shadow 1.5s ease;        }        .comparing {            box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px yellow;            transform: translateY(-20px); /* Move upward */        }        .swapping {            box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px red;            transform: translateY(20px); /* Move downward for swap effect */        }        .sorted {            background-color: green;        }        .description {            margin-top: 60px;            font-size: 25px;            color:yellow;        }    

Bubble Sort Animation

Starting Bubble Sort...
const array = [5, 3, 8, 4, 2, 6]; // Initial array const container = document.getElementById("balls-container"); const description = document.getElementById("description"); // Function to create the circular balls representing the array function createBalls() { container.innerHTML = ''; array.forEach((value, index) => { const ball = document.createElement("div"); ball.classList.add("ball"); ball.textContent = value; ball.setAttribute("id", `ball-${index}`); container.appendChild(ball); }); } // Function to swap elements in the DOM function swapElements(idx1, idx2) { const ball1 = document.getElementById(`ball-${idx1}`); const ball2 = document.getElementById(`ball-${idx2}`); const tempText = ball1.textContent; ball1.textContent = ball2.textContent; ball2.textContent = tempText; } // Bubble Sort Algorithm with Animation async function bubbleSort() { let n = array.length; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (let j = 0; j setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // Slower animation // Compare and swap if necessary if (array[j] > array[j + 1]) { description.textContent = `Swapping: ${array[j]} and ${array[j + 1]}`; [array[j], array[j + 1]] = [array[j + 1], array[j]]; swapElements(j, j + 1); ball1.classList.add("swapping"); ball2.classList.add("swapping"); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); } // Remove comparison and swapping highlights ball1.classList.remove("comparing", "swapping"); ball2.classList.remove("comparing", "swapping"); } // Mark the last sorted element document.getElementById(`ball-${n - i - 1}`).classList.add("sorted"); } description.textContent = "Array is sorted!"; } // Initialize and start the animation createBalls(); bubbleSort();


以上就是使用html css和js的动画进行冒泡排序的详细内容,更多请关注【创想鸟】其它相关文章!

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