Given a number N with we have to product the number with its largest odd digit. If there is no odd digit then print -1.
Like we have initialized N with “153” and the largest odd digit in this number is 5 so the result would be the product of 153 with 5 i.e. 153 * 5 = 765 and if the number has no odd digit like 246 then the output must be -1.
Input − N = 198
Output − 1782
Explanation − 198 * 9 = 1782
Input − N = 15382
Output − 76910
Explanation − 15382 * 5 = 76910
Approach used below is as follows to solve the problem −
Take the input N.
Traverse every digit and look for odd digits
Find the largest odd element.
Product the largest off element with the original number N.
If there is no odd element update result with -1.
Return the result.
StartIn function int largestodd(int n) Step 1→ Declare and Initialize large as -1 Step 2→ Loop While n > 0 Set digit as n % 10 If digit % 2 == 1 && digit > large then, Set large as digit Set n as n / 10 Step 3→ Return largeIn function int findproduct(int n) Step 1→ Declare and Initialize large set largestodd(n) Step 2→ If large == -1 then, Return -1 Step 3→ Return (n * large)In function int main() Step 1→ Initialize n as 15637 Print the results from calling findproduct(n)Stop
#include int largestodd(int n){ // If all digits are even then // we wil return -1 int large = -1; while (n > 0) { // checking from the last digit int digit = n % 10; // If the current digit is odd and // is greater than the large if (digit % 2 == 1 && digit > large) large = digit; n = n / 10; } // To return the maximum // odd digit of n return large;}int findproduct(int n){ int large = largestodd(n); // If there are no odd digits in n if (large == -1) return -1; // Product of n with its largest odd digit return (n * large);}int main(){ int n = 15637; printf("%d", findproduct(n)); return 0;}
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