在这里我们将看到订婚号码。这是一对数字,其中一个数字的真因数之和比另一个数字多 1。我们必须找到这些对
例如,这对就像 (48, 75)。所以 48 的约数是 {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24},和是 76。同样,75 的约数是 {1, 3, 5, 15, 25},所以和是 49。
订婚对 (n) –
begin for num in range 1 to n, do sum := 1 for i in range 2 to num, do if num is divisible by i, then sum := sum + i if i * i is not same as num, then sum := sum + num / i end if end if if sum > num, then num2 := sum – 1 sum2 := 1 for j in range 2 to num2, do if num2 is divisible by j, then sum2 := sum2 + j if j * j is not same as num2, then sum2 := sum2 + num2 / j end if end if done if sum2 = num + 1, then print the pair num and num2 end if end if done doneend
#include using namespace std;void BetrothedPairs(int n) { for (int num = 1; num num) { int num2 = sum - 1; int sum2 = 1; for (int j = 2; j * j输出
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