包括但不限于binary web
网络Scapy: send, sniff and dissect and forge network packets. Usable interactively or as a librarypypcap, Pcapy and pylibpcap: several different Python bindings for libpcaplibdnet: low-level networking routines, including interface lookup and Ethernet frame transmissiondpkt: fast, simple packet creation/parsing, with definitions for the basic TCP/IP protocolsImpacket: craft and decode network packets. Includes support for higher-level protocols such as NMB and SMBpynids: libnids wrapper offering sniffing, IP defragmentation, TCP stream reassembly and port scan detectionDirtbags py-pcap: read pcap files without libpcapflowgrep: grep through packet payloads using regular expressionsKnock Subdomain Scan, enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlistMallory, extensible TCP/UDP man-in-the-middle proxy, supports modifying non-standard protocols on the flyPytbull: flexible IDS/IPS testing framework (shipped with more than 300 tests)调试和逆向工程Paimei: reverse engineering framework, includes PyDBG, PIDA, pGRAPHImmunity Debugger: scriptable GUI and command line debuggermona.py: PyCommand for Immunity Debugger that replaces and improves on pvefindaddrIDAPython: IDA Pro plugin that integrates the Python programming language, allowing scripts to run in IDA ProPyEMU: fully scriptable IA-32 emulator, useful for malware analysispefile: read and work with Portable Executable (aka PE) filespydasm: Python interface to the libdasm x86 disassembling libraryPyDbgEng: Python wrapper for the Microsoft Windows Debugging Engineuhooker: intercept calls to API calls inside DLLs, and also arbitrary addresses within the executable file in memorydiStorm: disassembler library for AMD64, licensed under the BSD licensepython-ptrace: debugger using ptrace (Linux, BSD and Darwin system call to trace processes) written in Pythonvdb / vtrace: vtrace is a cross-platform process debugging API implemented in python, and vdb is a debugger which uses itAndroguard: reverse engineering and analysis of Android applicationFuzzingSulley: fuzzer development and fuzz testing framework consisting of multiple extensible componentsPeach Fuzzing Platform: extensible fuzzing framework for generation and mutation based fuzzing (v2 was written in Python)antiparser: fuzz testing and fault injection APITAOF, (The Art of Fuzzing) including ProxyFuzz, a man-in-the-middle non-deterministic network fuzzeruntidy: general purpose XML fuzzerPowerfuzzer: highly automated and fully customizable web fuzzer (HTTP protocol based application fuzzer)SMUDGEMistress: probe file formats on the fly and protocols with malformed data, based on pre-defined patternsFuzzbox: multi-codec media fuzzerForensic Fuzzing Tools: generate fuzzed files, fuzzed file systems, and file systems containing fuzzed files in order to test the robustness of forensics tools and examination systemsWindows IPC Fuzzing Tools: tools used to fuzz applications that use Windows Interprocess Communication mechanismsWSBang: perform automated security testing of SOAP based web servicesConstruct: library for parsing and building of data structures (binary or textual). Define your data structures in a declarative mannerfuzzer.py (feliam): simple fuzzer by Felipe Andres ManzanoFusil: Python library used to write fuzzing programsWebRequests: elegant and simple HTTP library, built for human beingsHTTPie: human-friendly cURL-like command line HTTP clientProxMon: processes proxy logs and reports discovered issuesWSMap: find web service endpoints and discovery filesTwill: browse the Web from a command-line interface. Supports automated Web testingGhost.py: webkit web client written in PythonWindmill: web testing tool designed to let you painlessly automate and debug your web applicationFunkLoad: functional and load web testerspynner: Programmatic web browsing module for Python with Javascript/AJAX supportpython-spidermonkey: bridge to the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine; allows for the evaluation and calling of Javascript scripts and functionsmitmproxy: SSL-capable, intercepting HTTP proxy. Console interface allows traffic flows to be inspected and edited on the flypathod / pathoc: pathological daemon/client for tormenting HTTP clients and servers取证Volatility: extract digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samplesLibForensics: library for developing digital forensics applicationsTrIDLib, identify file types from their binary signatures. Now includes Python bindingaft: Android forensic toolkit恶意程序分析pyew: command line hexadecimal editor and disassembler, mainly to analyze malwareExefilter: filter file formats in e-mails, web pages or files. Detects many common file formats and can remove active contentpyClamAV: add virus detection capabilities to your Python softwarejsunpack-n, generic JavaScript unpacker: emulates browser functionality to detect exploits that target browser and browser plug-in vulnerabilitiesyara-python: identify and classify malware samplesphoneyc: pure Python honeyclient implementationPDFDidier Stevens’ PDF tools: analyse, identify and create PDF files (includes PDFiD, pdf-parserand make-pdf and mPDF)Opaf: Open PDF Analysis Framework. Converts PDF to an XML tree that can be analyzed and modified.Origapy: Python wrapper for the Origami Ruby module which sanitizes PDF filespyPDF: pure Python PDF toolkit: extract info, spilt, merge, crop, encrypt, decrypt…PDFMiner: extract text from PDF filespython-poppler-qt4: Python binding for the Poppler PDF library, including Qt4 supportMiscInlineEgg: toolbox of classes for writing small assembly programs in PythonExomind: framework for building decorated graphs and developing open-source intelligence modules and ideas, centered on social network services, search engines and instant messagingRevHosts: enumerate virtual hosts for a given IP addresssimplejson: JSON encoder/decoder, e.g. to use Google’s AJAX APIPyMangle: command line tool and a python library used to create word lists for use with other penetration testing toolsHachoir: view and edit a binary stream field by fieldpy-mangle: command line tool and a python library used to create word lists for use with other penetration testing tools其他有用的py库和工具BpythonIPython: enhanced interactive Python shell with many features for object introspection, system shell access, and its own special command systemBeautiful Soup: HTML parser optimized for screen-scrapingmatplotlib: make 2D plots of arraysMayavi: 3D scientific data visualization and plottingRTGraph3D: create dynamic graphs in 3DTwisted: event-driven networking engineSuds: lightweight SOAP client for consuming Web ServicesM2Crypto: most complete OpenSSL wrapperNetworkX: graph library (edges, nodes)Pandas: library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis toolspyparsing: general parsing modulelxml: most feature-rich and easy-to-use library for working with XML and HTML in the Python languageWhoosh: fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure PythonPexpect: control and automate other programs, similar to Don Libes `Expect` systemSikuli, visual technology to search and automate GUIs using screenshots. Scriptable inJythonPyQt and PySide: Python bindings for the Qt application framework and GUI library
https://github.com/dloss/python-pentest-toolssqlmapgithub 上有人专门整理过列表(dloss/python-pentest-tools · GitHub),虽然并不是很完备,但总体上还是不错的一份单子。
另外需要额外提一点,大多数的 python 安全项目只适合看一看,没必要读一读,因为很多安全项目的工程架构、编码规范其实都一般般,了其概要便足够了。是不是python没有考察,自己总结的一份关于信息安全的开源工具集。
klee: 适用于c语言,静态符号执行工具,建立在llvm之上。
java pathfinder: 静态模型检测工具,适用于java语言
Saturn(stanford): 基于定理证明的静态漏洞检测工具,适用于c语言
BitBlaze: 静态分析组件vine和动态分析组件temu都是开源。但是线上动态符号执行组件不开源。
TaintDroid: android动态污点分析工具
BinNavi:基于二进制可执行程序反汇编的漏洞模式检测工具。不能反汇编,需要借助IDA Pro对二进制文件反汇编。
qira BinaryAnalysisPlatform/qira · GitHub
angr angr/angr · GitHubthe fuck greysign/thefuck · GitHub
本想推荐androguard 不过没读过!
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