如何评价 Python 迁移到 GitHub?

对于新项目而言 Mercurial 是否已不再值得考虑?


看着个:PEP 0507 — Migrate CPython to Git and GitLab

One feature that the current tooling (Mercurial, Rietveld) has is that theprimary language for all of the pieces are written in Python. This PEPfocuses more on the best tools for the job and not necessarily on the best tools that happen to be written in Python.



Whether Mercurial or Git is better on a technical level is a highly subjectiveopinion. This PEP does not state whether the mechanics of Git or Mercurialare better, and instead focuses on the network effect that is available foreither option. While this PEP proposes switching to Git, Mercurial users arenot left completely out of the loop. By using the hg-git extension forMercurial, working with server-side Git repositories is fairly easy andstraightforward.

另外,最后他们决定了不用gitlab,而用github。[core-workflow] We will be moving to GitHub

至少,在不远的将来,我可以把我对python的修改:unicode编译、android支持、uwp支持,都推回去了。因为独裁者Guido 更喜欢 GitHub。

Benevolent Dictator For Life从 maillist 里的声明可以看出,对于已经习惯使用 hg 的用户来说,他们的建议是:在 hg 客户端上安装使用 hg-git 插件来操作 git 库,这样就使得客户端的体验与之前的 hg 完全一致。
但我并不长期看好这种做法,这样使用中间件进行转换操作显然是折衷的过渡策略,是一种暂时的妥协。git 协议还是在不断更新中,hg-git 这个插件以后会怎样也很难说。
即使 mercurial 仍然继续积极维护,失去了本语言平台最大项目的支撑,它也没有出头之日了。
不管怎样,为 mercurial 这一相比 git 来说更加简单易用的轻量级分布式版本控制系统感到惋惜。

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