golangci-lint 是什么?
golangci-lint 是一个 Go linters 聚合器,而 linter 是使用工具来对代码提供一些检查,保证提交代码的质量。
为什么不直接使用 golangci-lint ?
需要手动执行,在之前使用的过程中,由于项目是多人活动,总是会忘记执行golangci-lint 进行代码检查,当前我自己也是。所以我们希望采用一种隐式的方式来自动执行。那么经过多番思考,采用 git 的 hooks 可以来自动执行一些脚本。
这期间还有一些其他的尝试,不过这个文章主要说 在git中的使用ci-lint,有兴趣的可以移步到为什么最终采用git 本地 hooks 的方式执行golangci-lint?
采用 git 的 hooks 来自动执行检查!
请设置 goland 的默认终端为 bash,不然后面执行脚本的时候,可能会不支持。

由于现在采用 git 作为我们的版本管理系统(VCS),而git在执行一些操作之前,允许执行脚本,这就可以让我们来执行一些操作前的代码检查。
├── .githooks│ ├── applypatch-msg.sample│ ├── commit-msg.sample│ ├── fsmonitor-watchman.sample│ ├── post-update.sample│ ├── pre-applypatch.sample│ ├── pre-commit│ ├── pre-merge-commit.sample│ ├── pre-push│ ├── pre-rebase.sample│ ├── pre-receive.sample│ ├── prepare-commit-msg.sample│ ├── push-to-checkout.sample│ └── update.sample├── .golangci.yml├── go.mod├── golangci-lint.sh└── init.sh
可以通过项目结构看到,需要在项目根目录增加一个 .githooks 文件夹,
然后增加 .golangci.yml golangci-lint 使用的配置文件,
增加一个 手动执行goalngci-lint的执行脚本golangci-lint.sh,
最后就是项目应用 git hooks 的脚本init.sh,用于初始化这个项目的脚本。
在commit的时候会帮助我们进行文件的 fmt:


如果项目存在可能的问题,那么是不会让你 push 的。通过这种方式来保证服务器上的代码都是符合规则的。
1. 项目中已经存在这些内容
首次通过执行 init.sh 脚本进行项目初始化设置。

这会检查你的环境,如果一些工具不存在,它会自动下载。并会修改默认 git 钩子指向当前项目的 .githooks 文件夹。
2. 新建项目这个怎么搞
但是在复制这些之前,你一定已经是在一个git 管理的根目录下。
#!/bin/sh## An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.# Called by "git commit" with no arguments. The hook should# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if# it wants to stop the commit.## To enable this hook, rename this file to "pre-commit".# 获取所有变化的go文件STAGED_GO_FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep .go$)if [ "$STAGED_GO_FILES" = "" ]; then exit 0fiecho "check gofmt ..."CHECK_FMT=$(gofmt -s -w -l $STAGED_GO_FILES)if [ -n "${CHECK_FMT##* }" ]; then echo echo -e "these files will be[32m gofmt[0m formatted:" for file in ${CHECK_FMT[*]}; do echo -e "[36m$file[0m" done git add ${CHECK_FMT///n/ } echofiecho "check goimports ..."CHECK_GOPLS=$(goimports -l -w $STAGED_GO_FILES)if [ -n "${CHECK_GOPLS##* }" ]; then echo echo -e "these files will be[32m goimports[0m formatted:" for file in ${CHECK_GOPLS[*]}; do echo -e "[36m$file[0m" done git add ${CHECK_GOPLS///n/ } echofiprintf "[32m COMMIT SUCCEEDED [0m"echoexit 0
#!/bin/sh# An example hook script to verify what is about to be pushed. Called by "git# push" after it has checked the remote status, but before anything has been# pushed. If this script exits with a non-zero status nothing will be pushed.## This hook is called with the following parameters:## $1 -- Name of the remote to which the push is being done# $2 -- URL to which the push is being done## If pushing without using a named remote those arguments will be equal.## Information about the commits which are being pushed is supplied as lines to# the standard input in the form:## ## This sample shows how to prevent push of commits where the log message starts# with "WIP" (work in progress).#remote="$1"#url="$2"printf "[32m 推送前需要检查当前项目可以 go build 通过 [0m"echo "run golangci-lint..."echo# 运行 golangci-lint 检查工具golangci-lint run ./...if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf "[31m PUSH FAILED [0m" exit 1fiprintf "[32m PUSH SUCCEEDED [0m"echoexit 0
#!/bin/shif ! command -v golangci-lint &>/dev/null; then echo "golangci-lint not installed or available in the PATH" >&2 echo "install golangci-lint ..." >&2 go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.50.1fi#goland 可直接定位文件golangci-lint run ./... |sed 's/\///g'
#!/bin/sh# 检查 go 是否安装checkGoEnv() { # go是否安装 if ! command -v go &>/dev/null; then echo "go not installed or available in the PATH" >&2 echo "please check https://golang.google.cn" >&2 exit 1 fi # go proxy 是否设置 if [ -z $GOPROXY ]; then echo "go proxy not set in the PATH" >&2 echo "please set GOPROXY, https://goproxy.cn,direct || https://goproxy.io,direct" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "go env installed ..."}# 检查 go 相关工具包是否安装checkGoLintEnv() { if ! command -v goimports &>/dev/null; then echo "goimports not installed or available in the PATH" >&2 echo "install goimports ..." >&2 go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest checkGoLintEnv return fi echo "goimports installed ..."}# 检查 golangci-lint 是否安装checkCiLintEnv() { if ! command -v golangci-lint &>/dev/null; then echo "golangci-lint not installed or available in the PATH" >&2 echo "install golangci-lint ..." >&2 go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.50.1 checkCiLintEnv fi echo "golangci-lint installed ..."}# 初始化钩子配置initHooks() { # 如果当前目录不存在 .githooks 目录,说明位置不对 if [ ! -d ".githooks" ]; then echo "exec incorrect position" exit 1 fi # 检查是否已经设置了 exist=$(git config core.hooksPath) if [ -z $exist ]; then # 设置 hooks 默认位置 git config core.hooksPath .githooks echo "init git hooks ..." >&2 fi}main() { checkGoEnv checkGoLintEnv checkCiLintEnv initHooks}main
run: timeout: 2m tests: falselinters: disable-all: true enable: - typecheck - staticcheck - govet - gocriticlinters-settings: govet: check-shadowing: true disable-all: true enable: - asmdecl - assign - atomic - atomicalign - bools - buildtag - cgocall - composites - copylocks - httpresponse - loopclosure - lostcancel - nilfunc - nilness - printf - shadow - shift - stdmethods - structtag - tests - unmarshal - unreachable - unsafeptr - unusedresult staticcheck: go: "1.17" checks: [ "all", "-SA3*", "-SA6000", "-SA6001", "-SA6003", "-ST*", "ST1006", "ST1008", "ST1016", "-QF1" ] gocritic: enabled-tags: - diagnostic - experimental - opinionated - style enabled-checks: - sliceClear disabled-tags: - performance disabled-checks: - assignOp - badLock - badRegexp - codegenComment - commentFormatting - commentedOutCode - docStub - dupArg - dupBranchBody - dupCase - dupImport - exitAfterDefer - externalErrorReassign - flagDeref - hexLiteral - ifElseChain - importShadow - initClause - mapKey - nestingReduce - newDeref - redundantSprint - regexpMust - regexpPattern - regexpSimplify - ruleguard - sloppyLen - sloppyTypeAssert - sortSlice - sprintfQuotedString - sqlQuery - stringConcatSimplify - syncMapLoadAndDelete - tooManyResultsChecker - typeDefFirst - typeUnparen - underef - unlabelStmt - unlambda - unnecessaryBlock - unnecessaryDefer - yodaStyleExpr - whyNoLint - paramTypeCombine - emptyStringTest
├── .githooks│ ├── pre-commit│ └── pre-push├── .golangci.yml├── golangci-lint.sh└── init.sh
这个时候可以执行 init.sh 脚本来初始化了。
最后可以在 https://github.com/ywanbing/golangci仓库中获取代码。
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