# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Diablo3 排名前1000玩家英雄使用技能统计python diablo.py helppython diablo.py [barbarian|crusader|demon-hunter|monk'|witch-doctor|wizard]默认使用的是亚服的数据,如果需要美服或欧服,更改`_rank_page`和`_api`变量地址即可Copyright (c) 2015 JinnLynn Released under the terms of the MIT license."""from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_importimport osimport sysimport urllib2import jsonimport re__version__ = '1.0.0'__author__ = 'JinnLynn '__license__ = 'The MIT License'__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015 JinnLynn'# 排名页面_rank_page = 'http://tw.battle.net/d3/zh/rankings/'# api_api = 'http://tw.battle.net/api/d3/'_api_profile = os.path.join(_api, 'profile')_api_data = os.path.join(_api, 'data')_hero_classes = { 'barbarian': '野蠻人', 'crusader': '聖教軍', 'demon-hunter': '狩魔獵人', 'monk': '武僧', 'witch-doctor': '巫醫', 'wizard': '秘術師'}_retry = 5_hero_class = ''_active_skills = {}_passive_skills = {}_unique_gems = {}def _clear_output(msg=''): sys.stdout.write('{:30}'.format(' ')) sys.stdout.write('{}'.format(msg)) sys.stdout.flush()def _process(stated, total): msg = '英雄数据分析中... {}/{}'.format(stated, total) _clear_output(msg)def _get(url, is_json=True): # print('GET: ', url) retry = 5 if _retry 0: try: req = urllib2.urlopen(url.encode('utf8'), timeout=10) return json.load(req) if is_json else req.read() except KeyboardInterrupt, e: raise e except Exception, e: retry -= 1 # print('retry', retry, e) # raise edef _api_url(*args, **kwargs): slash = kwargs.get('slash', False) args = [unicode(arg) for arg in args] url = os.path.join(*args).rstrip('/') return url + '/' if slash else urldef get_era(): req = urllib2.urlopen(_rank_page) return req.geturl().split('/')[-2]def get_rank_page_url(era): url_part = 'rift-' if _hero_class == 'demon-hunter': url_part += 'dh' elif _hero_class == 'witch-doctor': url_part += 'wd' else: url_part += _hero_class return os.path.join(_rank_page, 'era', era, url_part)def fetch_rank_list(): tags = [] try: _clear_output('获取当前游戏纪元...') era = get_era() _clear_output('获取当前排名前1000的玩家...') url = get_rank_page_url(era) html = _get(url, is_json=False) # re parse lst = re.findall( r"a href="(.*)" title=.*class="icon-profile link-first">", html.decode('utf8'), re.UNICODE) # BeautifulSoup parse # import bs4 # soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html) # lst = soup.select('#ladders-table tbody tr .battletag a')['href'] for item in lst: try: tags.append(item.split('/')[-2]) except: pass except Exception, e: print('fetch rank list fail. {}'.format(_rank_page)) raise e return tagsdef get_hero(player_tag): url = _api_url(_api_profile, player_tag, slash=True) data = _get(url) hero_selected = None for hero in data.get('heroes', []): if hero['class'] != _hero_class: continue last_updated = hero_selected['last-updated'] # 最近使用的英雄 if hero_selected is None or last_updated 2: sys.exit('参数错误') else: arg = sys.argv[1] if arg == 'help': print_hc() print('Tips: 运行中可随时Ctrl+C终止以获得已统计的数据结果') sys.exit() elif arg not in _hero_classes: print_hc() sys.exit() else: _hero_class = argdef main(): prepare() print('待分析的英雄类型:', _hero_classes[_hero_class]) hero_stated = 0 hero_stat_failed = 0 try: tags = fetch_rank_list() if not tags: raise Exception('parse battle.net rank page fail.') except Exception, e: print('error,', e) sys.exit() total = len(tags) for tag in tags: try: hero = get_hero(tag) if not hero: raise Exception('no hero data') stat(hero) hero_stated += 1 _process(hero_stated, total) except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception, e: # print('Fail: ', tag, e, hero) hero_stat_failed += 1 output(hero_stated, hero_stat_failed)if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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