def func1(): try: return float('abc') except ValueError,e: print edef func2(): try: astr = 'abc' float(astr) except ValueError: astr = None return astrdef func3(): try: astr = 'abc' float(astr) except ValueError: astr = 'count not convert non-number to float' return astrdef safe_float(argment): try: retval = float(argment) except ValueError: retval = 'count not convert non-number to float' except TypeError: retval = 'object type cannot be convert to float' return retvaldef func4(argment): try: retval = float(argment) except (ValueError,TypeError): retval = 'argment must be a number or numeric string' return retvaldef func5(argment): try: retval = float(argment) except ValueError,e: print e print type(e) print e.__class__ print e.__class__.__doc__ print e.__class__.__name__def func6(argment): try: retval = float(argment) except (ValueError,TypeError),e: retval = str(e) return retvaldef main(): 'handles all the data processing' log = open('e:\cardlog.txt','w') try: ccfile = open('e:\cardlog.txt','r') txns = ccfile.readlines() except IOError,e: log.write('no txns this month') log.close() return ccfile.close() total = 0.00 log.write('account log:') for eachtxn in txns: result = func6(eachtxn) if isinstance(result,float): total += result log.write('data...processed') else: log.write('ignored:%s'%result) print '$%.2f newbalance' % total log.close()#if __name__ == '__main__':# main()def func7(): assert 1 == 0def func8(): try: assert 0 == 1,'one does not equal zero' except AssertionError,e: print '%s:%s' % (e.__class__.__name__,e)#assertdef func9(expr,args=None): if __debug__ and not expr: raise AssertionError,argsdef func10(): try: float('abc') except: import sys exect = sys.exc_info() return exectdef func11(): try: f = open('test.txt') except: return None else: return fdef func12(): try: raw_input('input data:') except (EOFError,KeyboardInterrupt): return Noneimport math,cmathdef safe_sqrt(data): try: ret = math.sqrt(data) except ValueError: ret = cmath.sqrt(data) return retimport sysdef func13(): try: s = raw_input('Enter something-->') except EOFError: print 'Why did you do an EOF on me?' sys.exit(0) except: print 'Some error/exception occurred.' print 'done'func13()
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