MongoDB是一个介于关系数据库和非关系数据库之间的产品, 是非关系数据库当中功能最丰富,最像关系数据库的。他支持的数据结构非
MongoDB是一个介于关系数据库和非关系数据库之间的产品,, 是非关系数据库当中功能最丰富,最像关系数据库的。他支持的数据结构非常松散,是类似json的bjson格式,因此可以存储比较复杂的数据类型。 Mongo最大的特点是他支持的查询语言非常强大,其语法有点类似于面向对象的查询语言,几乎可以实现类似关系数据库单表查询的绝大部分功能,而且还支持 对数据建立索引。
面向集合存储,易存储对象类型的数据。 模式自由。 支持动态查询。 支持完全索引,包含内部对象。 支持查询。 支持复制和故障恢复。 使用高效的二进制数据存储,包括大型对象(如视频等)。 自动处理碎片,以支持云计算层次的扩展性 支持RUBY,PYTHON,JAVA,C++,PHP等多种语言。 文件存储格式为BSON(一种JSON的扩展) 可通过网络访问
所谓“面向集合”(Collenction-Orented),意思是数据被分组存储在数据集中,被称为一个集合(Collenction)。每个 集合在数据库中都有一个唯一的标识名,并且可以包含无限数目的文档。集合的概念类似关系型数据库(RDBMS)里的表(table),不同的是它不需要定 义任何模式(schema)。
存储在集合中的文档,被存储为键-值对的形式。键用于唯一标识一个文档,为字符串类型,而值则可以是各中复杂的文件类型。我们称这种存储形式为BSON(Binary Serialized dOcument Format)。
MongoDB服务端可运行在Linux、Windows或OS X平台,支持32位和64位应用,默认端口为27017。推荐运行在64位平台,因为MongoDB
Bug[SERVER-3112] – mongo* tools logs should not log to stdout (broken w/–out -) [SERVER-3641] – support mongostat through mongos with authentication [SERVER-3672] – use min(majority, all “real” nodes) for majority [SERVER-3763] – when one shard goes down, mongos starts returning failure in getlasterror for all the shards, to already connected client. [SERVER-3817] – Increment opcounters for bulk insert [SERVER-3939] – Rollback is trying to log something in the oplog [SERVER-4115] – copyCollectionFromRemote needs to authenticate [SERVER-4238] – Make sure authentication always happens when a ScopedConn connects [SERVER-4387] – command should force reload of config data after multiple stale config exceptions [SERVER-4399] – mongos doesn’t always update shards in response to replica set changes [SERVER-4400] – attempt to record query plan for a dropped cursor triggers bad file number assertion [SERVER-4401] – query optimizer cursor may return partial result set for a $or query if the last index match for a $or clause is deleted while it is “current” [SERVER-4474] – Initial sync should ignore capped collection dup key error, too [SERVER-4546] – Oplog replay can assert on initial sync if there’s no _id index on a capped collection [SERVER-4547] – Disable full restore of sharded cluster [SERVER-4591] – MongoDB 2.0.2 fails to build: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘rpartition’ [SERVER-4626] – If update does not contain an _id in criteria, sync apply can assert and get stuck [SERVER-4634] – –use-system-all (and –use-system-snappy?) don’t actually use system snappy [SERVER-4643] – one of the shard is down [SERVER-4665] – Querying against sparse index creates bad state, affecting later queries [SERVER-4695] – getLog auth checks needs backport [SERVER-4699] – mongos can segfault after primary failover [SERVER-4712] – Shards crash fairly frequently when memory is low [SERVER-4714] – ScopedConn is segfaulting [SERVER-4745] – Figuring out which shard to send a query to takes a long time when doing large $in queries on the shard key [SERVER-4749] – fix concurrency api when using openssl [SERVER-4765] – sharded currentOp doesn’t actually pass query Improvement[SERVER-2612] – support logRotate under windows [SERVER-4673] – Don’t lock authenticate command if we don’t need to [SERVER-4780] – Improve Memory Leak Warning Message
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