Oracle 11g R2 RAC 卸载 grid

操作系统:Oracle linux 6.3 x86_64 oracle版本:Oracle 进入grid用户,cd $ORACLE_HOM/deinstallE目录 [grid@xyy1 d

操作系统:oracle linux 6.3 x86_64


进入grid用户,,cd $ORACLE_HOM/deinstallE目录 

[grid@xyy1 deinstall]$ ./deinstall
Checking for required files and bootstrapping …
Please wait …
Location of logs /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-23-18AM/logs/

############ ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL START ############

######################### CHECK OPERATION START #########################
## [START] Install check configuration ##

Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Oracle Home type selected for deinstall is: Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster
Oracle Base selected for deinstall is: /u01/app/grid
Checking for existence of central inventory location /u01/app/oraInventory
Checking for existence of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
The following nodes are part of this cluster: xyy1,xyy2
Checking for sufficient temp space availability on node(s) : ‘xyy1,xyy2’

## [END] Install check configuration ##

Traces log file: /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-23-18AM/logs//crsdc.log
Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP used on node “xyy1″[xyy1-vip]

The following information can be collected by running “/sbin/ifconfig -a” on node “xyy1”
Enter the IP netmask of Virtual IP “” on node “xyy1″[]

Enter the network interface name on which the virtual IP address “” is active

Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP used on node “xyy2″[xyy2-vip]

The following information can be collected by running “/sbin/ifconfig -a” on node “xyy2”
Enter the IP netmask of Virtual IP “” on node “xyy2″[]

Enter the network interface name on which the virtual IP address “” is active

Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP[]

Network Configuration check config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-23-18AM/logs/netdc_check2013-09-06_10-28-12-AM.log

Specify all RAC listeners (do not include SCAN listener) that are to be de-configured [LISTENER,LISTENER_SCAN1]:

Network Configuration check config END

Asm Check Configuration START

ASM de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-23-18AM/logs/asmcadc_check2013-09-06_10-28-14-AM.log

ASM configuration was not detected in this Oracle home. Was ASM configured in this Oracle home (y|n) [n]:y (输入)
ASM was not detected in the Oracle Home

######################### CHECK OPERATION END #########################

####################### CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home is: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
The cluster node(s) on which the Oracle home deinstallation will be performed are:xyy1,xyy2
Oracle Home selected for deinstall is: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /u01/app/oraInventory
Following RAC listener(s) will be de-configured: LISTENER,LISTENER_SCAN1
ASM was not detected in the Oracle Home
Do you want to continue (y – yes, n – no)? [n]: y
Exited from program.

############# ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL END #############

[grid@xyy1 deinstall]$ ./deinstall
Checking for required files and bootstrapping …
Please wait …
Location of logs /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-28-22AM/logs/

############ ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL START ############

######################### CHECK OPERATION START #########################
## [START] Install check configuration ##

Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Oracle Home type selected for deinstall is: Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster
Oracle Base selected for deinstall is: /u01/app/grid
Checking for existence of central inventory location /u01/app/oraInventory
Checking for existence of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
The following nodes are part of this cluster: xyy1,xyy2
Checking for sufficient temp space availability on node(s) : ‘xyy1,xyy2’

## [END] Install check configuration ##

Traces log file: /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-28-22AM/logs//crsdc.log
Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP used on node “xyy1″[xyy1-vip]

The following information can be collected by running “/sbin/ifconfig -a” on node “xyy1”
Enter the IP netmask of Virtual IP “” on node “xyy1″[]

Enter the network interface name on which the virtual IP address “” is active

Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP used on node “xyy2″[xyy2-vip]

The following information can be collected by running “/sbin/ifconfig -a” on node “xyy2”
Enter the IP netmask of Virtual IP “” on node “xyy2″[]

Enter the network interface name on which the virtual IP address “” is active

Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP[]

Network Configuration check config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-28-22AM/logs/netdc_check2013-09-06_10-37-43-AM.log

Specify all RAC listeners (do not include SCAN listener) that are to be de-configured [LISTENER,LISTENER_SCAN1]:

Network Configuration check config END

Asm Check Configuration START

ASM de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-09-06_10-28-22AM/logs/asmcadc_check2013-09-06_10-37-45-AM.log

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